Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Dream Come True

The last few weeks have been full. I am beginning to see some speaking opportunity dreams come true. Angie, Kerri and I formed a speaking group entitled PEACE IN A NEW DAY (Trisha was the one who came up with the actual title). As the Marketing and networking specialist Angie set up many speaking engagements along with a blog (Trisha created it)and we are on facebook as well. I have wanted to share my story with others and now with Gods help I will be able to do this much more in our group. Thanks Father- please help us bless others (and stay balanced in the mean time)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

With the look of spring outside I wanted to review and revise my hopes for the year. I don't expect you to read them all but it was fun to revise.

Progress not Perfection

I was grateful to be part of the discussion about this year’s theme. It seems so perfect! I hope to make progress in a few areas by weekly (or daily in some cases) reviewing them and simply recording whether I fell short, made some progress or made good progress.

Here are the areas I want to make progress in throughout the year:

• Taking a 2 minute aerobic/stretch break every hour or so
• Better eating choices: Fruits & Veggies
• Better eating choices in portions
• Exercise every other day or so
• Aerobics/stretch break every hour or so
• Drink water
• Kneel while praying more often
• Saying Thank you (poems etc.)
• Learn to do family history, gather names and do temple work.
• Music before bed and in morning
• memorizing names of people
• Speed reading
• Using EFT when needed
• Reading and applying the “love dare”
• Offer to do”bugs
• 4 get-aways
• Sunday planning
• Temple every few months
• Get to bed earlier more often
• Create goals together
• Be willing to help the our children (moving, pregnancies, deliveries, school etc.)
• Finish mom and dad’s history dvd’s
• Do something with Christmas tapes
• Temple with girls
• Scrapbook time.
• Visit Joseph and Tiff
• Help Cindy weekly with study time
• House total down to $145,000.00
• Call/contact Althea, Richard
• Mom & Dad interviews
• Tew-reunion, Mapleton, water day, McBurton’s Farm,
• Help Heidi move
• St. Patricks/Halloween party
• Help Trisha with Baby Parker
• Trisha’s shower
• Mini-books for grandkids
• Perpetual calendar for Christmas
• Patch and paining (Cindy’s help)

• Learn to use power point in primary. Use it and transparancies often
• Learn and embrace primary songs
• Frequently play inspirational music in the background
• Learn names of primary children
• Call/visit less actives every few months
• Help tutor people recovering from depression (paradym shift lessons)
Professional (writing, speaking singing, guitar teaching)
• Create an ancestorial perpetual calendar
• Speaking with Kerri and Angie
- New website
- Business cards
- Power point
- Secure speaking engagements
- Regular meetings
Guitar Teaching

Monday, March 15, 2010

It's 8am...

and I've already done my personal study, ran 5 miles & I'm dressed!
HOORAY for waking up at 6:30am!
I realize that this will not happen EVERY day, but I gotta celebrate when it does!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Hello! How is everyone out there doing?
This past week was good for me! Kezi has now gone an entire week sans-binki & it's generally getting better every day. My 2 goals I was really intently focusing on last week went well - drinking water (I still would like to find a container I LIKE to use & I think I'll do even better) and getting my house clean. Currently, my whole house is straightened. I would not be ashamed if one of you were to walk right in & check things out. I even got my pantry & storage room organized!

So... here's what I'd like to focus on this week:
-Get up by 7am!! This is my #1 goal this week. I would LOVE to be up by even 6:30. That would make such a difference in my day, but if I'm up by 7am, it would still be great!
-Get the kids going on their morning things. I made a new chart for them & hope that it's going to give them (and ME!) some accountability to get things done. I'd really like to have it all done by 10:30am so I am go running/work out.
-House Cleaned! I have a spring cleaning list that I'm working on & I'd like to have all the cleaning things checked off by the end of the week.
-Better about Jason & I's one-on-one time at night. We commit to have at LEAST 20 minutes of non-electronic time. I always look forward to it, but lately it hasn't been happening consistently.
-My running has been sub-par the last couple weeks & it will be a stretch to be to 8 miles by the end of the month, but I'm working on it. I'd like to get 5, 6.5 & 7.5 miles in this week!

Also - please pray for us. Jason had 4 interviews last week. We are praying one will pull through. Thanks!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

MARCHing orders

Hola! Again, please forgive my lack of posts. My goal is to get on here every week & post an update. I think I'm letting the guilt take over a bit. I nowhere near where I had hoped now that we're already into the 3rd month of the year, but I do feel I've made progress from last year. In the past couple weeks, I feel good about my progress with:

-Running - I ran 7 miles last week. Hope to get to 7.5 this week & 8 by the end of the month. Then I'll feel good about starting to cross-train and work on swimming & biking so I can be ready for the tri in July. I still wish the scale would move a bit faster, but I'm trying not to get hung-up on that & just focus on my overall health.
- Date nights - Thanks to my neighbor Robyn & mom, we've been able to have some fun dates in the past month.
-Stop eating 2 hrs before bed. Not perfection, but definitely progress.

This week is our "weaning Kezi from the binki" week, so I'm going to be realistic here & not try to overdo it, knowing I'm not going to have enough sleep, so for the first few days, I'm just going to try and hang in there & just focus on the day-to-day tasks.

I still would like to work harder on a couple important things:
-Personal Study in the morning - especially the Book of Mormon. Remember the object lesson in Relief Society, where they have all the golf balls & things that are supposed to fit in the jar. When they put the little ones in first, everything doesn't fit, but when they put the bigger balls in first, the smaller ones fit. I NEED to put the personal study first, THEN I will get more done during the day - priorities.
-Drinking water (I've regressed on this & need to work harder at making this something I do naturally)
-I've gotten way behind on my housework. By the end of the week, I'm going to work on having a clean home - even the downstairs.

Thanks everyone for being on top of it & giving ideas & support. Here's to a great March!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Loosing momentum

I was doing well with my calorie count and my physical therapy and taking breaks every half our or so. I've hit a slump. My M&M (momentum and motivation) went out the door when m&m's decided to visit (you'd think they despise each other). Anyway, I am leaving for a 2 week road trip today and I hope I can keep more of the good choices with me...

Good Morning - Becka

I've been wanting to post for awhile but felt like I didn't have much to report.

I'm doing really well at getting up early. My kids have to be to there new school by 7:55 which means we need to leave here by 7:30. I've been getting up at 6:00 am, having a little time to myself, waking them up at 6:30, getting breakfast on the table at 7:00 and out the door at 7:30. We probably don't have to leave that early but we have to drive a couple miles to school and I don't want them to feel rushed because we're running late. Also, depending on the traffic it can still take us up to 20 min., although it's usually closer to 10 min. I'm not doing this every day but I'm getting much better. Most days I get up between 6 and 6:30 but I'd like to make it always 6. Also on the weekends I almost always sleep in which I need to stop. It's hard because my husband is a night owl and it's hard to go to bed when he's still up.

I've also been working on getting my house more organized. I have a long way to go in this area because I am essentially a slob. A neat freak slob but a slob none the less. I get really discouraged when my house isn't clean and tend to give up altogether. I could blame my mother for working and us always having a messy house or I could blame my illness because when I'm sick things seem to fall apart but I know I could do a lot better then I am. I do have to make adjustments for the fact I get sick but if I was better organized then I wouldn't have to worry about getting sick so much because I'd know that things would be taken care of. I'm not even asking for a perfectly clean house. I'd be so grateful if we always had clean dishes and we didn't trip on toys going down the stairs.

I've been working on a job chart for awhile. We've used it before and it worked pretty well but it was a pain for me to put out different jobs every morning and if I forgot the kids never did anything. I'm now making laminated papers with larger jobs on them to make it easier for me.They keep them in there slots for a weeks moving them daily between "to do" and "done". Also, it describes how I want the jobs to be done and that is one of the hardest things for my kids. It's kind of like a step by step list to ensure they get everything in a room done. I've made some for their morning routine, evening routine, and afternoon routine so far. The morning and evening routines aren't difficult it's mostly to help Joe (my 3rd child) see what he's suppose to remember to do; like brush his teeth, get dressed, say prayers. If I don't list them he gets up and goes straight to reading (which totally makes me laugh). The job lists are more instructions on how to do a specific job. Sometimes the way they load the dishwasher makes me cringe or wipe off the table. I know a lot of it is they are just different people then me but a lot is also some of these jobs need to be taught because it doesn't come automatically.

My goals for this week are
1. To get up by 6:00 am every day, even on the weekends.
2. To get my job chart finished and rehang it on the wall.

I can do these for a week, right? Well, I just have to remember Progress not perfection and that small goals will do more then trying to do big ones and that at least if I'm trying then I'm at least not moving backwards. Thanks for all the support. I love being able to come here for help.