Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hello April!

Can't believe we're entering the end of the 1st quarter of this year.
Goes by so fast!

Things have been uber-crazy at our house with Jason getting his job & getting the house ready to sell, so I can't say I've been very consistent on much of anything, HOWEVER, I did:

-Run 8 miles by the end of March! Hooray! My running has been spotty, but I was determined to get this goal. I hope to start the biking & swimming soon.

So... looking at April, I am excited in a way to have Jason go back to work, just because I think I'm more consistent w/ things when I don't have him to fall back on & I have to take full accountability of my day.
So, here's what I'm focusing on for April:

-BED ON TIME. Yes, I know. It never ends. BUT - if I'm going to be able to work out, I can't go in the middle of the day anymore, so I need to get to bed early, so I can wake up, do personal study & work out.

-ROUTINES. Yes, again broken record. Need to get back on the wagon w/ my routines. Especially looking at my goals and schedule before the day starts EVERY day.

-Clean house. This goes hand-in-hand w/ the other 2, but I really need to MAINTAIN my clean house, so that it can be ready to show in a short amount of time. It's SO much easier to maintain than clean up.

-Look for more opportunities for kindness & the golden rule. I've been so wrapped up in myself & our changes that I haven't taken the time to really serve & help others.

-Dressed, apron on, BED made before breakfast. This should be easier to do now that Jason has a job & has to get up!

-"suffer the children to come & forbid them not" I have been so overwhelmed w/ everything that I've had a very short temper w/ the girls & have been trying to just basically avoid them so I can get stuff done. I need to seek them, cuddle with them, LISTEN to them, LOVE them.

Anyway, that's what I'm workin' on! Looking forward to these changes!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like great progress to me Heidi. You know as a runner that a marathon is completed just one step at a time and it's a good idea to stop for "good drinks" along the way
