First, I have to recognize the progress I have made before I go into the ones I'm still struggling with..
1. I did my Echo Triathlon last weekend! Yay! I had to dig deep for this one because I really was tempted to opt out this year with the move & everything, but I was glad I stuck with it & finished.
2. My bedtimes & wake-up times have generally been pretty good. We are usually asleep by 11pm, which is good, because I'm usually up between 6-6:30am to read my scriptures & go work out.
3. Outside time with the girls. I'm usually out there with them for at least 20 minutes while they ride bikes, jump on the tramp or play in the water. This is easier to do in the summertime.
4. I have been reading. Not as much of the spiritual or self-help, but some really good novels to add to my list.
Now... on to my struggles:
Well, the whole routine thing has been anything BUT routine. I know with the move & all, that's to be somewhat expected, but we've been here for almost 2 months now & I should really get back into the swing of things. I was looking over the routines the other day, thinking "wow. These are really good. I remember how much smoother everything went when I did those routines."
For the next couple weeks, I'm going to focus on my night routine. Especially the "washing my face," "laying out clothes" and "looking at the next day's routines & appts" parts.
Also, I have had a MAJOR struggle with sugar lately! Seriously! As in... I am addicted to sugar. I mean, I knew that before, but it's BAD! I'm 90% sure sweets are to blame for this solid 5 lbs I'm still carrying around from Kezia's birth. Somewhere in my mind, I'm using the rationale that since I've been training a lot, I should be able to eat what I want, but this belly & butt don't lie! There's also this thing I have mentally that I need to get past, where I think I DESERVE a sweet after the kids take a nap or go to bed. Yup... I DESERVE a sweet. therefore I DESERVE the extra lbs that come with that.
I'm going to really try to reach for fruit instead of something bad for me. AND for the next couple weeks, I'm doing to try mom's tactic (this is going to take some getting used to, though) of drinking one entire glass of water before I eat a sweet.
So - there you go... wish me luck. Or better yet, pray for me!! :)