Sunday, January 25, 2015


Definitely not perfection! :) But here is my progress...

 - Family History - McKinley has been indexing lately & we were able to do 8 sealing for family members on Jason's side last night!! It was so neat and we are so thankful for all our family that helped to work for them. <3 div="">

-Journal once/week. Actually, I wrote like 4 times last week! I've been following BofM365 on Instagram & FB & every day there is scriptures to read and a question about the scripture, so I've been writing in my journal, answering those questions - and also writing other little bits about how I'm doing, feeling, etc. It's SO nice to be writing more frequently! Like working out, it "gets it out of me" and helps me to see things more clearly. 

-I feel like I've done a better job at repenting on a continual basis throughout the day. Still have a LONG way to go before I feel a lot of progress on being a more humble person. But I did sincerely apologize to Jason & the girls yesterday after I felt like I became the "momster" - trying to organize & clean the house. 

-I've been a lot better at paining my nails & keeping them healthy. Unfortunatly, I sliced off my right hand ring fingernail & so it will be a while till I can paint it :) Keeping my skin healthy is maybe a little better than before, but I still have a long way to go! I'm doing better at washing my face regularly and keeping it moisturized. 

-Working out. I feel like I'm doing better at doing at least 10 minutes a day - so my consistency is better, but I really need to work on my effort. Not doing a lot of high intensity things right now & I NEED to burn these extra calories! Gotta sign up for a race - STAT!

-Been better at documenting expenses on Mint. Was going to go over them w/ Jason today, but it didn't happen. Hopefully tomorrow!

-Hubby. Our SAH date night was pretty blah last week, but overall we have made it into a habit & the girls know that Wednesday nights are our SAH date nights & they're to go to bed early and stay in bed. Overall, definitely need to be kinder to my husband, though :( I feel like I have been at him for way too many things and I realized at the temple yesterday how much I am sweating the small stuff & I need to just let it go!

-Kids. Better at more 1-on-1 time, but not great :( Dates, however, we've been good at - making up for the months we missed! Each girl got a lunch date in January & Ireland earned a date & I took her to the movies & ice cream on Friday night. It was great fun! :) Love that one-on-one time with them. 

-Books. Finished Brad's RIP book and started reading Proof of Heaven. :)

I downloaded MonstaPoints on my phone to address these daily things I want to work on & it has helped & been fun!

THIS WEEK - JOURNAL my food - EVERY DAY! I usually start out doing it, but by the afternoon & I make bad choices, I give up. This week  I am determined to get an accurate picture of how I'm eating & see how I can change things. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 from Heidi

I may be the only one doing this this year... but I haven't done much the past couple years. This year, I want to make it simple and make it matter. 

Why does it matter? My life could end at any time. Will God say "I never knew ye?" I want to put my relationship with him first in my day and first in my life. 

*Read EVERY talk in the conference Ensign
*Finish writing up favorite BOM scriptures
*Go to the temple once a month
*When Kezi goes to Kindergarten, service times twice/week
*Family History - take 10 names to the temple!
*Journal once/week
*Read one book from a general authority
*BE HUMBLE! Repent throughout the day and spend time at night repenting. - apologize!

Why does it matter? Because "If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." And because when I take care of my body, I can feel the spirit more abundantly. And when I do not take care of my body, it inhibits my ability to accomplish any of my other goals.  Also, I want to be a good example of taking care of my temple, so my daughters will want to do the same & know that it's important. 

*Heal my skin, nails & teeth - wash face, brush teeth in mornings. Do nails with girls on Saturday
*Read & follow book Intuitive Eating
*Exercise EVERY day!
*Green Drinks!

Why does it matter? Because God has given us precious stewardship over this money - it's not ours to trifle with. We need to use it and account for it wisely. 

*Meet with Jason on the 4th Sunday of every month to discuss finances
*Prepare financial summary information the week before that meeting
*10 minutes on Mint every day

Why does it matter? My marriage is my most important relationship under my relationship with God! Spoil my husband, not the kids!!

*SAH date night every Wednesday night - creative!  (read a book, messages, play a game, etc)
*Go out date night twice a month, not including temple dates!
*Anniversary vacation this year - 15th wedding anniversary!
*Read 3 books together this year

Why does it matter? I've been given special stewardship over these precious spirits. They are growing up so fast. I want to look back & think that I truly spent quality time with them. "Children are not a distractions from more important work. They are the MOST important work." 

*30 minutes undistracted time when they get home from school.
*10 minutes of 1-on-1 time a day
*lunch dates every month
*Movie nights on Fridays
*Read a "growing up/self esteem" book with McKinley. 
*Write to them in their journals as much as possible.
*Notes in their backpack/lunches

--Intuiative Eating
--Self Esteem Book with McKinley
--Book written by a general authority
--Brad's RIP book
--Proof of Heaven
--Miraculous Messages from Heaven
--Glimpses beyond deaths door
--Visions of Glory
--4th book in Lunar Chronicles.