Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 from Heidi

I may be the only one doing this this year... but I haven't done much the past couple years. This year, I want to make it simple and make it matter. 

Why does it matter? My life could end at any time. Will God say "I never knew ye?" I want to put my relationship with him first in my day and first in my life. 

*Read EVERY talk in the conference Ensign
*Finish writing up favorite BOM scriptures
*Go to the temple once a month
*When Kezi goes to Kindergarten, service times twice/week
*Family History - take 10 names to the temple!
*Journal once/week
*Read one book from a general authority
*BE HUMBLE! Repent throughout the day and spend time at night repenting. - apologize!

Why does it matter? Because "If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." And because when I take care of my body, I can feel the spirit more abundantly. And when I do not take care of my body, it inhibits my ability to accomplish any of my other goals.  Also, I want to be a good example of taking care of my temple, so my daughters will want to do the same & know that it's important. 

*Heal my skin, nails & teeth - wash face, brush teeth in mornings. Do nails with girls on Saturday
*Read & follow book Intuitive Eating
*Exercise EVERY day!
*Green Drinks!

Why does it matter? Because God has given us precious stewardship over this money - it's not ours to trifle with. We need to use it and account for it wisely. 

*Meet with Jason on the 4th Sunday of every month to discuss finances
*Prepare financial summary information the week before that meeting
*10 minutes on Mint every day

Why does it matter? My marriage is my most important relationship under my relationship with God! Spoil my husband, not the kids!!

*SAH date night every Wednesday night - creative!  (read a book, messages, play a game, etc)
*Go out date night twice a month, not including temple dates!
*Anniversary vacation this year - 15th wedding anniversary!
*Read 3 books together this year

Why does it matter? I've been given special stewardship over these precious spirits. They are growing up so fast. I want to look back & think that I truly spent quality time with them. "Children are not a distractions from more important work. They are the MOST important work." 

*30 minutes undistracted time when they get home from school.
*10 minutes of 1-on-1 time a day
*lunch dates every month
*Movie nights on Fridays
*Read a "growing up/self esteem" book with McKinley. 
*Write to them in their journals as much as possible.
*Notes in their backpack/lunches

--Intuiative Eating
--Self Esteem Book with McKinley
--Book written by a general authority
--Brad's RIP book
--Proof of Heaven
--Miraculous Messages from Heaven
--Glimpses beyond deaths door
--Visions of Glory
--4th book in Lunar Chronicles. 

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