Thursday, December 30, 2010

Looking Back...

Before I start rattling of goals for next year, I really want to take a few minutes to look back at last year. I believe if we don't appreciate what we WERE able to do & accomplish then we just feel discouraged at what we didn't accomplish.
I do a Christmas card blog every year:
I do it to save time & $ on cards (I'm cheap, it's true). But the interesting side benefit for me is that I can look through it & say WOW. I did a LOT last year!
Here are some things I did:

-MOVED. That is huge by itself.
-Did 2 sprint-distance triathlons and a 1/2 marathon.
-Was at Primary Children's hospital with my baby girl for 4 days. Now she is on medicine 2x a day.
-Had a SUPER-busy summer, including trips to the zoo, splashparks, regular parks, Richfield, Snowbird, LP Aquarium, This is the Place monument, the pool - for fun & lessons, Discovery Gateway, Lagoon, the Benson's cabin & Thanksgiving Point.
-Lost 2 precious people in our lives - my Aunt & Jason's grandma. And did 2 memorial slideshows for each funeral.
-Started homeschooling McKinley. This is also huge.
-Read about 13 books - including a couple "self-improvement" books.

I am so VERY blessed to have three young daughters and an amazing hubby that in-between all these activities keep me very busy.

So - even though it's true that most of the goals I set for last year should probably be repeated this year, I can still look back & say I was very busy and very blessed. I can look back on last year & say it was GOOD. And I was thankful for it.

A few goals I feel like I really did make progress on:
-Probably 75% of the time, I am dressed & ready before the girls wake up. This is huge!
-I have been really a lot better about taking care of my skin & nails.
-Probably about 70% of the time, I am able to put God first in my day and do my personal study before the girls get up.
-I have been a lot better lately about my journal, too. It makes such a difference for me!
-Planning healthy meals. I feel pretty good about this goal. I get most of my recipes from Zonya or alter existing recipes.

It doesn't even have to be goals, but take a minute & recognize what YOU did last year!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

2011 Here I Come!!!!!!!

2011 GOALS
I started many goals/habits that I like and many that fell by the wayside. I plan to continue to work on the good ones. The goals below are ones I’d like to try this year. I hope to mark whether I’m making progress on them a few times each month (on my nifty new mac)

Be part of
monthly speaking engagement
get back into daily exercising (following trouble with my knee and wrist)
wisdom in eating
continue reading enjoyable books
Homemaking cards system Heidi and I developed
Learn tech. so I can listen to recordings, songs, etc. on phone. Let virtue...
do temple work for Althea
work with Darla to make our ebooks and audiobooks available
continue mtgs. and speak with Kerri
continue exercise fun with Margaret
writing: senior review?