Monday, January 4, 2010

A Years Focus then 4 simple goals

Progress not Perfection

I was grateful to be part of the discussion about this year’s theme. It seems so perfect! I hope to make progress in a few areas by weekly (or daily in some cases) reviewing them and simply recording whether I fell short, made some progress or made good progress.

Drinking water   or  

Here are the areas I want to track throughout the year:



• Taking a 2 minute aerobic/stretch break every hour or so

• Eating a “bowl” full of produce and a glass of water before a meal

• Aerobics/stretch break every hour or so


• Kneel while praying more often

• Learn to do family history, gather names and do temple work.


• memorizing names of people

• Speed reading


• Using EFT when needed


• Reading and applying the “love dare”

• Get to bed earlier more often (3+ times per week)


• Be willing to help the our children (moving, pregnancies, deliveries, school etc.)

• Finish mom and dad’s history dvd’s

• Do something with Christmas tapes


• Learn to use power point in primary. Use it more often

• Learn and embrace primary songs

• Frequently play inspirational music in the background

• Learn names of primary children

• Call/visit less actives every few months

Professional (writing, speaking singing, guitar teaching)


• Create an ancestorial perpetual calendar


• Speaking with Margaret (Schools)

• Speaking with Kerri and Angie


Guitar Teaching

Now that I've shared my years focus I'd like to share four January goals like Heidi:
* Bowl full of produce before meals
* Feel good about the speaking engagement at Rolling Meadows Elem.
* Learn more about family history at sunday school class
* Learn to use power point in Primary

1 comment:

  1. Great goals mom! Those kids are so lucky to have you as their singing leader.
    Love ya!
