Friday, February 19, 2010

A Good Reminder

I renewed my temple reccommend on Sunday. Things went well. I passed. However, there was a problem with the recommend itself; the top layer of one edge was peeled off a little leaving a slightly ragged edge. I felt like asking for a new one so it would be perfect, but then I thought, "No, this will be a good reminder for the next two years--progress not perfection. The recommend is still 100% acceptable at the temple--flaws and all--and so am I." So now, I'm glad I have the recommend I do. It's a good reminder that the Lord doesn't expect me to "perfect" to enter His holy house, only "worthy," and that is something I can do--ragged edges and all.

1 comment:

  1. Diana,
    What a great reminder of progress not perfection. I am SOO GLAD you are part this elite group cause YOU ARE ELITE!
