Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Progress doesn't happen in a perfectly straight, unwavering line

I cut up one of my FIRST-AID FOR FEELINGS books and made notes for Dan's lunches.

I liked the quote on this one "Progress doesn't happen in a perfectly straight, uwavering line...there are some periods of peace and some periods of serious war." - Colleen C. Harrison. pg. 82

Well, I'm about to "wage war" on a few more of my vices. I hope they will give up the fight by the end of the year. I now plan to:
* Really listen more when Dan talks (instead of just impatiently waiting for my turn)
* spend 10 minutes a day on finances. downloading to quicken etc. (instead of avoiding them for 3 weeks and not remembering exactly WHY I spent so much at Walmart!)
* Evaluate my medication/natural suppliments to find the right balance for my body (I am working with Karen Shaw with this one.)

I have added them to the excell page I have in my planner.  I thought I'd check it off each night.  That just isn't happening but even if I review it and make check marks 3x a week I think it will be worth it.

So, there you have it. 
A slice of my life for this day in the year 2010.


  1. Great goals, mom! I sure need to better in the listening dept, too.
    Love you!

  2. I like the notes in his lunch, what a cute idea!! Finances are a tough one. Good luck with that! I think you'll be glad in the long run, that you're getting it under control. I was recently considering going to an 'all cash' budget, and leaving my debit card at home, so that I literally have to stay on budget!! :)

  3. Great goals Mom! Heidi must have inherited your desire to always improve. Maybe you could focus on sending me more of those genes when you get a chance. Love ya! Tiff
