Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Remember at the beginning of this when I said that really all my goals are for naught if I don't get the sleep I need? My motivation goes down the toilet. I get emotional at the dumbest things. In general, I am not myself. And right now, I do not feel like myself. Heidi - are you in there somewhere?
When Kezia was under a month old, she was sleeping longer than she is right now. I'm talking 3-4 times a night I am up with her. I have tried giving her the binki, I've tried feeding her, I've given her Tylonol in case she's teething, I've let her cry it out, I've tried putting her of a better schedule. Still...she has maybe one good night a week & the rest I am up multiple times with her.
The result?
-I am currently still in my pajamas
-My home is not very clean. I have laundry that needs to be folded, dishes put away, the girls' bedroom is a mess, the basement is a disaster.
-I am highly emotional. I cry at things I would probably normally laugh at.
-I do not get up for personal study & it usually gets pushed to the end of my 'to-do' list
-I am a grouchy mom & wife
-I do not get enough exercise

O.K. - I can't completely blame the lack of sleep for all my problems. I do need to be accountable here because it is still my choice.
I'm sorry to be such a downer on here, but that's where I'm at w/ my goals the past week or two. I've had a few good moments, too, but I'm not where I would like to me.
Don't let me set-back mess you up though! Please post your updates. I am hoping you all are having great success!


  1. Oh, Heidi. You are so cute! No apologies needed. A sleep deprived mamma is a miserable one. Jonny's been sick, which is why I haven't posted in forever...I'll get back to it soon. You just hang in there. She won't be a baby forever. (I think that's bitter sweet: sweet because you'll get to sleep again someday, bitter because it goes too fast, and then you miss the baby stuff!!) Sending you ++++++ in the meantime.

  2. We have all been exactly where you are. Some days just making it to the end of the day is success. For the first 6 months after Clara was born I was lucky to get all of us dressed let alone work on goals. Don't be to hard on yourself because being a mother is probably the most challenging career in the world. We love you and we have faith in you.

  3. Hi, I'm new to the blog. Patrica had you send me an invite, and I really appreciate it.

    Here is something that really helped me when I had young children. "The scriptures say, 'and it came to pass.' They do not say, and it came to stay." Now that my baby is twenty-two I wish that time in my life had lasted a little longer.

    However, even if it had lasted longer, it would have still been hard. With hind-sight, here is what I would have done differently. I would have made four or five affirmations. Here are a few examples: I'm so happy and grateful now that I have a pleasant cheerful disposition. I am so happy and grateful now that I take care of my physical and spiritual self. Once I made the affirmations, I would post them around the house: by the potty chair, on the fridge, next to the computer, etc. and I would read them every time I saw them.

    I am doing this now. I my not have a potty chair posting but repeating positive affirmations several times a day has broken my negative thought patterns, and I am seeing the positive results I want. I am happier. I am more positive. I am more pleasant to be around. The scriptures are true:"as a [woman] thinketh in [her] heart, so is [she]." Change your thoughts and you will change your life.

    I hope these thoughts are helpful.

    Best wishes,

  4. Diana - WELCOME! Right now I have you set-up to receive e-mails every time someone posts or comments, so please let me know if you want that changed.
    THANK YOU for your wise words of wisdom. I truly am very blessed and even though it's hard, it's good to be reminded that it won't last forever.
