Sunday, February 21, 2010

This week...

First of all, Welcome Diana!
Second, sorry I've been slacking in posting...

In keeping w/ Tiffany's "no future in the past" statement... I am not going to beat myself up about the past few weeks. Kezia's sleeping is slowly improving - and so is my ability to get things done, so I am really looking forward to this next week. Here's what I'm focusing on:

BED ON TIME! How come I still can't get to bed before 11pm even when she hasn't been sleeping well?? This is a goal I just need to do. I need to head to bed at 10pm so I can BE trying to sleep by 10:30.

ROUTINES, ROUTINES, ROUTINES: So my routines are, well... far from routine right now. I am still incorporating much of them, but it doesn't happen efficiently and definitely not before the kids get up. My night & morning routines are so important. I am going to try and do most of my night routine right after dinner from now on. I'm just too beat after we get them down & all I want to do is relax. Hopefully that will help. And if I wake up more than twice in the night, I am still going to try & get up, but I'm not going to stress about it if I'm too beat. I'm going to try harder to get my afternoon nap, though.

Feb goals:
1. Seek God early every morning - before the kids get up.
Not happening well, but truly hope to get to bed earlier this week and so I can get up before the kids do & get in my personal study. PLAN B, though is that I still do my personal study - just later.
2. My room cleaned & bed make before breakfast.
Yeahh... not so good. Going to focus on this!!
3. Date night at least twice a month.
We've been once this month - Stake Dance (it actually was really fun!) and hope to have another date this month (mom - I need to e-mail you about this)
4. Home Blessing Hour once/week
The past couple weeks have been pretty mediocre. I haven't gotten the deep cleaning in that I'd like. I'm planning on this for Tuesday morning.
5. Stop eating 2 hrs before bed.
So-so. I'd say I'm over 50% for this, but need to do better. (Also, I need to double-back & work harder on the water thing, too)
6. Run 5 miles by end of February - maintain & improve time
Yeah! I went 6 miles last week & felt pretty good about it. Hope to get to 6.5 this week. Would like to improve my time to closer to 9 min/miles though.
7. Once a week - pamper night - yoga, face mask, nails, etc.
Did a mini-pamper this week - just my nails, but hope to do this Tuesday night this week.


  1. Great job Heidi!

    Hmmm...does eating vanilla yogurt with blueberries count as a bad thing before bed? Or having hot chocolate or cider? We usually have a treat before bed.

    The pampering sounds divine. Do you usually do it on Tues. nights? It would be fun to do it together sometime.
